Thursday, December 24, 2009
Triple Chocolate Death!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Funky Retro Tree Skirt
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Bathroom
When we were first thinking about buying our house the bathroom was on the "con" list for sure. The bathtub enamel is worn off, making it impossible to clean. The taps drip, the toilet requires constant "tinkering" on Jason's part, and the vanity is a 1970's throw back to the times when yellowish acrylic counters were chic. Nevermind the mold that grows on the ceiling and has to be scrubbed from the grout on the tiled walls. Despite the fact that we hated it back then, we knew the bathroom reno was going to be a big job, and much more expensive than a few cans of paint.
We've decided this year to take the plunge and do the bathroom. I am so excited about this reno, I can't even begin to explain it. We're going all the way -- new tub, new toilet, even new dry wall! Jason will be recording our progress daily on his blog here. I will also try to keep you updated on progress from my POV. It's exciting stuff!!
Stay tuned also for some upcoming craft posts! I have been crafting my little heart out for weeks in preparation for Christmas, but have been resitant to post because I don't want to give away any presents. I will try to post them as they are given.
In the meantime, the countdown is on! What are you looking forward to this Christmas? Do you have any unusual holiday traditions?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remembrance Day

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
More Useful H1N1 Info
Symptom | Cold | H1N1 Flu |
Fever | Fever is rare with a cold. | Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the H1N1 flu. |
Coughing | A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. | A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). |
Aches | Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. | Severe aches and pains are common with the H1N1 flu. |
Stuffy Nose | Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. | Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. |
Chills | Chills are uncommon with a cold. | 60% of people who have the H1N1 flu experience chills. |
Tiredness | Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. | Tiredness is moderate to severe with the H1N1 flu. |
Sneezing | Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. | Sneezing is not common with the H1N1 flu. |
Sudden Symptoms | Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. | The H1N1 flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. |
Headache | A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. | A headache is very common with the H1N1 flu, present in 80% of flu cases. |
Sore Throat | Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. | Sore throat is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. |
Chest Discomfort | Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. | Chest discomfort is often severe with the H1N1 flu. |
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fancy Christmas Cards

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Rule
Gifts must be handmade or recycled.
There are some loop holes to this rule, which I should mention, I have committed my family to as well!
The loop holes are as follows:
- Handmade gifts don't have to be made by you. You can support local artisans by shopping at craft shows, pottery shows, and online.
- Recycled does not mean your old junk (but it could). Antique stores are a great place to find unique gifts for someone special, and you never know what treasures you might find at Value Village or the Goodwill.
- AND you can do double the good deed by using recycled items to make something handmade.
I am trying to make most of my gifts myself, though I do plan to do some antiquing as well. Here's a challenge though: what do I make/seek for the gentlemen on my list? I am finding the ladies way easier to create for. Ideas?
For those of you who think it's way too early to be talking about Christmas, bear in mind you have to think about it way in advance when you're making your gifts!
I'll post pictures tomorrow!
Monday, October 26, 2009
H1N1 Advice
Here is some interesting H1N1 advice passed to my Mom by a friend who works in health care. It seems like good, sound advice, and may include some things you haven't thought of.
In addition, but off-topic, I felt I needed to post this because when I went to forward it I realized I no longer have email contacts for many of my closest friends. Most of the addresses in my contact list are for business - all of my social e-comms take place on other formats. How do you keep in touch with friends?
Good Advice for Preventing H1N1
1. Frequent hand washing
2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach
3. Gargle twice daily with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don't trust salt). H1N1 takes 2 - 3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don't underestimate this simple. inexpensive and powerful preventative method.
4. Similar to 3, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. Not everyone may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but blowing the nose hard at least once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral populations.
5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C (Amla and other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure it also has Zinc to boost absorption.
6. Drink as many warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. It washes proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive or do harm.
* This advice comes from Dr. Vinay Goyal, MBBS, DRM, DNB (Intensivist & Thyroid Specialist) . He is presently heading the Nuclear Medicine Dept and Thyroid Clinic at Riddhivinayak Cardiac and Critical Centre, Malad (W).*