Monday, March 22, 2010

Brrrr and a Book Review

Oh man is it cold/windy/gross out this afternoon!  Mondays and Tuesdays are my "walk home" days because @jclarkey needs the car those afternoons.  Some days I'll try to mooch a ride home if I'm not sure about the weather/lazy, but today I thought I'd tough it out.  What a mistake!  I am frozen and may have to resort to hot chocolate for a proper thaw.  Add a book and/or some knitting to the mix, and that sounds like a swell afternoon!

I must admit, I've really put knitting on the  back burner lately.  I had been neglecting my "must read" pile for some time though, and I really had to pick it back up.

Back at Christmas time I treated myself to a copy of Too Much Happiness, by Alice Munro.  I'm a big fan of Canadian literature, but for some reason had never read anything by Munro before this.  I'm a fan. Too Much Happiness is a series of short stories that are none too happy, but ring true to life.  Most of them have at least a touch of melancholy to them, but not all.  The first story (Dimensions) in particular sticks out as one that illicits an emotional response.  It's about a woman trying to recover from the mental anguish caused by her estranged husband, who is also criminally insane.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw up or cry when I read it (I managed not to do either), but couldn't help but compare the main character's situation with various heart-wrenching news stories I've read in the last few months.  I also quite enjoy the fact that the stories all take place in SW Ontario.  London, Wingham, Clinton, Toronto and other local references are made throughout the book.  It makes me feel more connected to the stories somehow - like maybe I've seen or driven by the exact spot the author is referencing.  Maybe I've even met the main character.  I've still got a few stories to go, but I would recommend it to anyone who appreciates the genre.

I finished my Capelet Swing Cardi about a week ago, but neglected to share photos.  I have one, but it's not perhaps the greatest representation.  I'll try to get more the next time I wear it.

I'm going to just relax for the rest of the afternoon, as I've got a BUSY week ahead.  I can't honestly say I can see myself posting again until the weekend, or possibly next week.  That's what happens when you make yourself a long weekend - lot's of work to come back to!


  1. I don't know why I thought it would be smaller - it's lovely!

    I've been neglecting my book reading for some time as well. Typically I devour a book, but I've been chewing on the Great Flood for a while.

  2. Let me know how it is. I thought about it, but it seems pretty sci fi. I prefer a historical/nostalgic perspective.
