Monday, November 1, 2010


Since I've dropped off the blogging train, I thought I might as well participate in NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month.  It the month of November I will attempt to blog EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I will also be participating in NaKniSweMo, which is National Knit a Sweater Month, and @JClarkey is growing a moustache for Movember!  It's going to be a busy month for these, and other reasons.

What else is keeping me busy in November?  Well, for starters:

- The London Short Film Showcase (of which I am a board member)
- I'm moving (!!)
- 6-8 work events taking place outside of regular working hours
- And a host of other extracurriculars (Pillar Innovation Awards, a baby shower, a card making night, et al).

This all seems like a lot (even for me), but I can handle it... I think!

Unfortunately NaKniSweMo is already not off to a great start as all of my yarn has been packed for the move :S  I did just finish a sweater though, so I think I have permission to cheat a bit.  Here are my knitting goals for the month:

- Get at least halfway through the Sweet Pea Blankie I am working on for my niece, Scarlett (this is not packed and will give me something to work on until I am sufficiently unpacked)
- Knit and finish one Baby Sweater on Two Needles for Scarlett, starting by November 15
- Start on a TML Jersey for Jason by November 30

All this work will be a serious test of both my knitting abilities and my attention span, which is admittedly short.  It will also help me prepare for another Heart Health Month blog fest come February!!  I am hopeful that the knitting will help with the blog inspirations.

Here is that adorable niece I was talking about.  I think I have just enough Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Terracotta for a sweet little baby sweater.

What are you doing this month?


  1. Aw man - I always forget about NaKniSweMo. I think for me it will be 'finish the sweater that you started for your husband last year' month. Only one pocket and 6 buttons to sew on!!
    Good luck with NaBloPoMo!

  2. Wow - I'll cross my fingers for you and will look forward to all the posts! Good luck!
