I haven't posted a blog (or knit a stitch) in days! Terrible, I know, but before you start calling me a failure and a liar, let me just remind you I'm in the middle of moving. Gimme a break.
So, we moved into the new place on Wednesday with the help of some wonderful, amazing, fantastic friends and family. I can't thank them enough for helping make our move so smooth and enjoyable. I didn't stress about a thing!
Under normal circumstances I would say I hate moving. It usually involves several days of looking like shite, being surrounded by well-intentioned but less than thrilled people who are all looking at you for some kind of direction. Add to that the fact that you have no access to your creature comforts, your former routine is terminated and any sense of privacy is out the window. That was not the case with this move at all! Except maybe for the looking like shite bit -- I even had to do without a mirror yesterday.
After the official move in on Wednesday, we spent yesterday running around picking up "need" items (like a mirror!) and then doing some cleaning and yard work at our "old house". Today I am doing more unpacking and organizing, planning to register a P.O. Box and do groceries later, and then hoping to catch the St. Marys Santa Claus Parade tonight! Our first community event!
I think we all feel at home already, but by the end of the weekend I expect we'll be unpacked and really settled in. Even Mosely seemed to know right away that we are not on a visit, but at a new home. After a few laps around the house and sniffing every corner, he got comfortable right away on Wednesday night. He even seems to be doing okay without a fenced back yard for the time being and is currently fast asleep on his leash in the back yard. There will be a few things like that for all of us to get used to, but so far things are going great :)
Looks like a cosy & cute place. Congrats!