Saturday, February 6, 2010

Late day post

I wasn't sure I would post today, but here I am. Today was the inaugural King's Alumni Hockey Tournament for the Killan Cup. It was a terrific (though terrifically cold) day and I think everyone had a good time. Unfortunately, this tournament has wreaked havoc on the ol' heart health diet.

I was a wee bit anxious about the event yesterday and the only thing that would soothe me was a coke and salt & pepper chips. Garbage food, I know (though the chips were surprisingly high in Vitamin C). I stayed at work late doing some last-minute hockey planning and ended up having pizza for dinner.

Today wasn't much better, though I did have chili, salad and a whole wheat biscuit for lunch. Chili is great for your heart (as long as it doesn't have too much sodium). The chili served up today was a bit spicy, so I didn't eat my whole bowl -- but it did help to warm me up.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl, and not looking much better heart-health wise. I will definitely have to make it up to myself next week.

1 comment:

  1. What brand are those salt & pepper chips? If they're the kind I think they are, then you are totally freed from all guilt relating to eating them... they. are. AMAZING!!!!! They taste like really good restaurant french fries, or something. MMMMMMMMMM

    A guy brought them to the Superbowl party we had at our house (it was a Kin event), and I had to tear myself away from them.....
